Scientific and Organizing Committee



Stjepan Orešković, University of Zagreb School of Medicine


Sebastian Porsdam Mann, The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics The University of Oxford, UK

Valerie Bradley, Founder and President Emerita, Human Services Research Institute, Cambridge, USA

Biserka Simčić, Republic of Slovenia, Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants

Suzanne Babich, Associate Dean of Global Health, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indianapolis, USA

Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Director, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia


Ana Borovečki, Professor, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia

Dorothée Caminiti,  ETH Zurich Research Fellow in Bioethics, Switzerland

Kristen Elwell, Associate Director of Research Policy and Compliance, Harvard University,USA 

Vanja Paic Project Mangager and Consultant, EU E-Health Project, Austria

Mario Ravic, Head of IoT&Digital Health, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia

Eva Turk, Medical Faculty, University of Maribor, Slovenia, SanAstra Foundation, Norway




Matthias Mann, Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Munchen, Germany


Jason Bobe, Director of Democratized Health Innovation at the Institute for Next Generation Healthcare at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA
Yvonne Donders, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Mikel Mancisidor, UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Adjunct Professor en Washington College of Law, American University (Washington D. C.) USA

Christine Mitchell, Executive Director, Center for Bioethics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Helle Porsdam, Center for Studies in Legal Culture, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Mildred Z. Solomon, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Hastings Center, New York, Professor, Harvard Medical School

Effy Vayena, Professor, Department of Health Science and Technology, Institute of Translational Medicine, ETH Zurich


Roberto Andorno, School of Law & Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Boris Brkljačić, President, Board of Directors, European Society of Radiology, Vienna, Europe

Michael F. Chou, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Dorjan Marušič, Chairman, Board of the Directors, American Accreditation Commission International (AACI), NC, USA

Tin Oreskovic, Data Scientist, Chief Analytics Office, IBM, New York, USA

Lorenzo Pengo, Healthcare Industry Director – Microsoft Central Eastern Europe HQ

Nina Schwalbe, Chief Executive Officer, Spark Street Consulting and Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York



Marko Marelić, University of Zagreb School of Medicine

Maja Banadinović, University of Zagreb School of Medicine 

Patricija Janković, University of Zagreb School of Medicine 


Tihana Kuljiš, University of Zagreb School of Medicine