Helle Porsdam
Professor of Law and Humanities, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Rights, University of Copenhagen

Helle Porsdam is Professor of Law and Humanities at the Center for Studies in Legal Culture, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. She teaches American culture and history in the SAXO Department, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen, and law and humanities, the culture and history of human rights and cultural rights at the Faculty of Law. She also holds a UNESCO Chair in Cultural Rights. She did her Ph.D. in American Studies at Yale University, has been a Liberal Arts Fellow twice at the Harvard Law School as well as a fellow at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, and the University of Munich.

She received funding from HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) for a project on copyright, creativity and cultural heritage institutions (2010-13) and The Past's Future (2015-19), which is funded by the Velux Foundation