Istvan Csizmadia
Head of International Programmes and Projects at National Healthcare Service Center (ÁEEK), Hungary


István Csizmadia, economist, specialized in transport, freight forwarding and logistics, graduate of Karl Marx University of Economics (1989 - Budapest, Hungary) and health care management, graduate of Semmelweis University (2014- Budapest, Hungary).

He has extensive 29 years’ experience in a) Preparing, planning and managing EU funded programmes, b) Strategic planning, c) Preparing and submitting applications for EU grant, d) Implementing and coordinating EU projects, e) Evaluating applications and monitoring projects, f) Generating and providing support to innovation, cluster, logistic, transport, energy, environment, digital development and health programmes and projects, g) Working with international organizations e.g. EU COM, EU Council, UN organizations, h) Preparing and implementing bilateral and multilateral international agreements.

István is current co-leader of work package 5 (WP5) ’Innovative use of heath data’ in the Joint Action to Support the eHealth Network (eHAction). WP5 has a vision to develop innovative usage of data across the healthcare sector to improve the knowledge base for health and healthcare policy.
Between 2012-2013 István was head of „Subgrup 2 (SG2) for effective use of Structural Funds for health investments" in the Reflection Process on EU health systems aiming to identify effective ways of investing in health, so as to pursue modern, responsive and sustainable health systems. This work was done under the auspices of the EU Council's Senior Level Working Party on Public Health. SG2 has produced a Toolbox for effective structural funds investments in health for use by Member States' health authorities interested in applying for structural finds support through the established national and EU procedures.